Michelle L. Crowley is Discussing Psychology’s lead editor and a past-practicing clinical psychologist. Michelle also currently assists postgraduate, academic, and nonfiction writers express their ideas more eloquently in their own voices as a freelance developmental, review, and copy editor and coach.

Michelle chose to major in psychology and social anthropology at Rhodes University in the early 80s. After earning the position of Principal Researcher for a mining conglomerate, she returned to Rhodes to complete a Master of Research Psychology and then a Master of Clinical Psychology (with distinction).
An internship at Fort England Hospital allowed her to conduct a small private practice while she shared what she learned and was learning as a tenured lecturer in the Psychology Department at Rhodes University.
Her PhD was focused on the construction of gender at the edge between the intrapersonal and intrapsychic levels of human experience and shifted her career trajectory back to her first love: Writing. Dr Crowley currently engages as a developmental, review, and copy editor for postgraduate students and academic and nonfiction writers, coaching them to express themselves more eloquently in their own voices.
Michelle’s professional pages:
When Michelle writes, it is about the ironies, tragedies, and mysteries of life at The Blog Box and Difference Between.
1990: Master of Social Science in Research Psychology (Rhodes University).
1991: Master of Social Science in Clinical Psychology at Rhodes University (with Distinction).
2001: Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Rhodes University).
2004-2006: Equivalent of English II for non-degree purposes through UNISA and Award for Excellence and Achievement (2004).
Visit Michelle’s Linked In profile here.